Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chicken Salad

2 Large Chicken breasts
3-4 stalks celery
1/3 lb red grapes halved
1/2 can cashew pieces (optional)
A couple TB of Hellman's mayonnaise (GF) -- be sure to use real mayo. salad dressing won't work
Season with black pepper and garlic powder

Serves 4 with some leftovers

Cut the chicken into strips and boil them till cooked through I usually check them when the pieces are floating. Chop up everything else and mix it with enough mayo to coat everything. Season it at will.

Try adding peppers, cold pasta, tomatoes, etc.

Eat it by itself or on toasted croissants.


Rebecca Holt Stay said...

This is becoming a favorite of mine, maybe because of WHERE I have eaten it: G&G Holt's house before Steve and Rachel's wedding, then I made it again for their Ohio reception. Good thing I like it because I made WAAYYY too much.

Karen Ahlstrom said...

Peter and I had this tonight with canned chicken. It worked really well. Thanks for the idea.
